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Competitive Intelligence


The pace of technological development and the growth of global trade mean that today's business environment changes more quickly than ever before. Executives can no longer afford to rely on instinct or intuition when making strategic business decisions. In many industries, the consequence of making one wrong decision may be to see the company go out of business.

Research shows that competitive intelligence increases management's strategic planning "comfort level." Source: Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals

We gather, analyze, and help our clients to apply information about their competitors to their marketing campaigns.

Top Referrers

A report that shows all of the sites that link to and send traffic to your competition.

Search Engine Rankings

A list of keywords that your competitor ranks in the top 100 for.

Ongoing Monitoring

We monitor your competitor's website to notify you of new product launches or important changes, we also monitor their search campaigns.

Search Query Reports

A list of the search terms that drive traffic to your competition.

Meta Keyword Analysis

Identify and extract all of the competitive website's meta keyword data.

Reputation Management

As part of our reputation management service, we can monitor what people are saying about your competitor in the blogosphere, niche forums, and social media sites.

Paid Search Campaigns

Find out which keyword phrases your competition is bidding on.


A list of all subdomains used by your competitor's domain.

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Competitor Secrets

Have their profits been rolling in while you were staring in amazement at rising cost-per-click and lower ROI? Competitive intelligence gives your company the advantage, finally placing the "ball in your court."

Does CI really make a difference to the bottom line?

Yes. Research shows that companies with well-established CI programs enjoy greater earnings per share than companies in the same industry without CI programs. Moreover, "In a recession, competitive intelligence can pay off big," reported Business Week magazine at the end of one of the last financial crisis that the US has faced.

Among the examples cited: At Texas Instruments, the CI team uncovered the need to pursue an acquisition before a rival could do so "and safeguard what is now a $100 million business with enormous growth potential at a time when bright spots on the tech horizon are few."

Source: Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals