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Pay Per Click Management (PPC)


We will streamline your accounts with Google Adwords ® & MSN Ad Center ®, so you can enjoy savings now and for years to come. We have extensive experience in many different industries for optimizing pay per click campaigns and increasing ROI.

We increase your click-through rate, decrease your conversion costs, raise your position in search results and increase your sales volume - all at the same time.

Call NOW to discuss your Pay-Per-Click options!

(800) 403-9661


Conversion-Driven PPC Management

We understand the value of a high clickthrough rate and strong Quality Score. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is the ROI. Our priority will be to increase your lead flow and lower the cost per conversion... period.

Pay For Performance Programs

Pay For Perfomance & "Pay Per Call" are about to revolutionize the online marketing industry and Evelop Consulting is currently researching and testing available networks. Both of these are true pay for performance programs since the advertisers are only charged per sale/lead rather than click.

Click Fraud Monitoring

We monitor client campaigns for click fraud, and have successfully obtained refunds in cases where click fraud was detected.

No Long Term Contracts

Full Transparency. Our contracts are month to month. Our clients maintain full access to their accounts.

Low Monthly Fees, High Levels of Success

We are able to maintain high levels of success while still charging some of the lowest fees in our industry. Average client duration with Evelop Consulting is well over 12 months. References available upon request.
Contact us to see if you qualify for "No Setup Fees" management contract.

No Outsourcing

While we understand the value of outsourcing for certain types of work, none of our pay per click management and maintenance is outsourced. All work is performed by qualified senior account managers located here, in the United States of America.

1-800 Call Tracking

Evelop Consulting offers a phone call tracking platform that is the perfect solution to track off-site campaign effectiveness.

No Keyword Limit

Beware of companies who offer low prices but limit the number of keywords or ad groups that you can have in your account. These are success limiting constraints that result in higher costs long-term. Our clients have no limits on the number of keywords or ad groups that we manage.

Agency Level Adwords ® Support

Having trouble contacting Google Adwords? As a Certified Google Partner, Evelop Consulting receives priority phone & email support on their accounts. Our managers are up to date with the latest quality score changes that can save you significant cost per click in your Google Adwords campaign.

Sign up NOW and begin marketing the right way!

Contact us to speak to us directly and get started right away, or let us know about any questions you may have.

More Information

PPC Evaluation

No obligation and no charge. Fill out our contact form to receive a full evaluation of your current PPC Accounts and your Website. If you currently do not market on the internet, we will create a custom proposal that will include estimated budget needed to be competitive in your industry. Our analysis will include the following:

Website Evaluation: Usability, optimization for maximum conversion rates.
Existing PPC accounts: Potential issues, missed opportunities, campaign settings, quality scores, landing pages.
New PPC accounts: PPC strategy, expected average cost-per-click (CPC), recommended monthly budget, recommended marketing channels.
Google Analytics Account: Error checking, lead funnels setup, goals setup.
Custom Pricing for our management services.

We will deliver your custom estimate within 24-48 hours following your initial request. Please note that one of our consultants will contact you to discuss your goals prior to creating the evaluation.

Keeping up with the Algorithms

We stay up to date with changes in the Google Adwords algorithm. Google's algorithm is constantly changing, and often times, these changes go unannounced. We are frequently the first industry experts to catch new changes, due to the fact that we have so many sets of eyes on the search results.

Since minor changes can affect cost per click and conversion rates, it's imperative that pay per click managers react quickly in order to keep up with the algorithm's effect on each account. Pay per click managers who "set it and forget it," usually lose their clients because they come to us complaining about rising costs or decreased conversions with their old management firm. At Evelop Consulting, we are constantly working to improve your pay per click account's efficiency.

Keyword Match Types

While some PPC managers avoid the use of broad matching, we will use it in conjunction with carefully selected negative keywords. We also use broad matching in test trials as a way to generate new keyword and negative keyword ideas. This is how we turn "lemons into lemonade." While your competitors are wondering what made keyword prices and traffic jump suddenly, we are running tests that utilize the expanded broad match for discovering ways to find new long-tail keywords. Those new keywords will be used to bring in targeted traffic with low conversion costs.

We also know all the tricks that have been around for years. In fact we know so many tricks on so many pay per click platforms, we often have to explain them to the customer service reps who don't understand the features about their own products. For example some PPC engines will let you use text instead of URL's for the display URL -- some will even allow text like "click here for more info." We tried to explain this to a service rep at MSN and he denied it could be done, despite the fact we had been doing it for months on their platform.

If you are using Google, Yahoo or MSN account managers to help you run your campaign, you may not receive the service you expect for a large account. We have seen some large search engine account managers set up clients with large campaigns with no conversion tracking enabled. This tracking code takes only a few minutes to install. Without this simple code, it is impossible to measure the effectiveness of a campaign and its components. It is the equivalent of driving your car with out a gas gauge and speedometer.

Efficiency and Transparency

We work very quickly. Time is money, and we get to the heart of your campaign's issues fast. Often times, we can cut a tremendous amount of waste out of an existing campaign on the first day.

We don't know your business as well as you do, so we listen carefully to your suggestions and insights. We let you see everything that we do and we keep no secrets from our clients. We let you review all of the ads, keywords, and analytics so that you can provide us with information that will allow us to cut your costs to a minimum.

Eliminating Click Fraud

Fraudulent clicks on search engine ads are pervasive on the web and they are widely tolerated by most Internet Advertising firms. Fraud clicks are not from genuine web surfers. They may be competitors trying to break your budget, or owners of websites where your ads are displayed who get paid a commission for click revenues. Fraud traffic does not convert to leads. It distorts data and rewards bad practices on the web. Other Internet Advertising firms may "tolerate" a certain amount of fraud as inevitable. We do not tolerate fraud because it directly impacts the ROI of our campaigns, and ROI is our focus.

We monitor referring links every day in order to eliminate the majority of click fraud. If fraud clicks cannot be eliminated from a particular search engine network, we will lower our bid prices to ensure that the ROI clears the desired hurdle for the campaign. We work to eliminate the source of the fraud and we work to get refunds for clients whenever possible.